Monday, February 28, 2011

Too much HGTV.

Last week I caught the awful, awful flu. The doctor prescribed me to stay home all week. I thought I would clean my house, read several books and get caught up in life. In reality, I slept 18-20 hours a day and was too nauseous to look at a computer screen or book. In between sleep, I watched HGTV and found myself extremely irritated at certain hosts. (ah-hem: Dear Genvieve and Emily from Secrets from a Stylist) They are beyond talented, but I was getting angry watching them (Genvieve's baby voice) and decided it's best to fast forward to the last 3 min segment where the before and after is displayed.

Enough grumpiness. Let's talk about how awesome Sarah Richardson and Tommy Smythe are from Sarah's House. In case you don't watch- Sarah's house is where she buys a house and renovates it room by room in each episode. (My dream job minus the reality tv part). She has one hysterical side-kick too. I think everyone needs a Tommy in their life.

Fess up- what are your favorite home reality tv shows? (Not limited to HGTV- let's not forget Jeff Lewis from Flipping Out or 9 by Design)

Oh hey there Colin, congrats on best actor and the K-K-King's Speech.


  1. Lovng these pics, there isn't one room that I don't like. I don't really have time to consistently watcha particular design show, but enjoy before and after shows and like picking up tips on DIY projects.

    Glad you're feeling better :)


  2. Your comment about annoying hosts made me laugh! What gets me irritated is when the host smiles too much and too fake, and acts all too excited about their "after" design which is really not so great. I enjoy watching Sarah's house and Divine Design by Candice Olson.

  3. Love Sarah and totally know what you mean about the other two! But I do love a little Jeff Lewis, too. I don't think I can choose just one :)

  4. I adore Sarah Richardson's work!! Sarah's House is probably my favourite...the third season was just stunning!

  5. So sorry about the flu! Misery I know!!! I couldn't agree more about Genevieve love her work HATE watching her talk about it. Sarah is AMAZING. I DVR every show, she actually has been around a while start DVR-ing Design Inc. that was her old show but classic design never goes out of style!. Hope your feeling better...

  6. Love the images! Ok, not related to decorating, but I love Biggest Loser, but the host, Aly, really really needs a stylist. Her clothes are so unflattering!
    I'm new to your blog and am really enjoying your posts!

  7. Well, I have been looking for a place to comment.

    Devine design...talented tooooooo much silliness
    Crew and all...anoying seems it looks too much the same with the vases always find something more original

    Miami guy color...way to commercial and too many over the counter vases and match matchy...all the design on a dime guys are horrible! The work mans ship is beyond
    Ugly and the attempt to design is a joke
    Yes the GEnieve sorry for spelling errors the fill in speller
    Is on it's own.....Gen is silly too long winded,too much
    Wasted dialog it is not good enough...tooooooo much of reading notes...this is a patched show however, some good.
    Too much interaction with too many sources
    Devine design is way too silly yet the design is quite
    Jane and Tommie her sensibilities are original
    Miami, his show is ridiculous with to mant tacky colors
    And too many match vases...they look so predictable
    And it is as if the client is scripted in all most all shows
    Antonio is original..hit and miss show? At least he is
    Original more so than the rest
    Now the one show that is going to influence the HGTV
    Base is the most amazing design team I have ever seen
    The NOVOGRATZ! Yes and thank you can't wait
    These art artists!!
