It has been interesting for me to divert from my cottage/comfort-first-inclinations and pick very simple clean lines for him. Ultimately, he wants all leather, manly furniture and he wants it all purchased yesterday. When he puts his mind on one project he wants to see it through without waiting, which is a great quality to have, but it is so difficult to find the perfect pieces that are available to buy ahora mismo! (i.e. right now. I'm brushing up on my Spanish for my upcoming trip to Miami.)
I do want to share a minor success that Amber (a close friend of mine + a close friend to the Bachelor= the mediator between his style and mine) and I had yesterday.
Here is a snippet of our emails back and forth with his furniture selection and mine.
First up: the sectional for his TV room. The requirements for this room are:
1. The furniture must be manly and comfortable because this is where people come over to watch games and where everyone will end up hanging out.
2. The sectional must be leather.
His picture: 

Doesn't this look like 7 recliners smashed together? We could not let him make this mistake. I was able to practice my finesse by pointing out that I liked the color of this couch and the nail heads, but we can do better. So I sent him some examples of stylish and comfortable sofas from Z Gallerie and Macys and asked him to visit the store this weekend and sit on them before deciding to buy anything. This weekend he will visit Z and hopefully purchase this Tate Sectional in leather.

Here are some quotes from his emails this morning.
" i will check out the couch this weekend (meaning i will go and plop my a*s on it and see if its comfy). if i like it, i buy it...i'll go saturday with your list and buy sh*t...include the things we saw at world market. thanks gals!!!"
and this
"i am coming off the man couch recliner long as its super comfy"
It was a pleasant way to start my day. I'll keep posting some of our conversations and pictures.
1 comment:
So funny! I like the tactful, "we can do better". I find myself using that line frequently w/ my husband. Whenever we have people coming over, he says, "we'll just order pizza." I say..."we can do better..."
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