I can hardly believe I am in my third trimester.

How do I feel?
It's harder to move around. Once I am on the couch after work, it takes alot of effort to get off of it. This past month has been my favorite in pregnancy so far. Little Reid is growing every day and strangers are asking me when I am due, which I love. I have not had a random person rub my belly yet, but when it happens I have every intention to rub theirs in return.
Apparently he is almost full grown in length, he will just fatten up considerably before his arrival.
I feel him move all the time and I love the assurance of his movements. His kicks and jabs feel like an inside joke between us, I just feel bonded to this little one and I can't wait to meet him.
What do I crave?
Blackberries and strawberries. I think my skin is clearing up just a bit and I wonder if it's from the increase in antioxidants? I'm just glad they've been on sale because I go though pints of them. Coffee makes me gag, this is a new development in the last month and I don't miss it one bit.
What surprises me?
This is going by fast! I use every weekend morning to sleep in, even when I'm ready to wake up because I think this is the last time in my life I will be able to sleep on my own schedule. I also take my sweet time running errands because I think, this is my last time I'll be able to keep my own schedule.
Other tidbits?
How much more can my face grow in the next 12 weeks? I'm frightened!
You look great! I love that dress on you too :) - Boo
I LOVE to read your blog!!!! i am also glad we are going through pregnancy stages together... i am 28 weeks & due with my first, a little boy as well :) so i can completely relate to the couch thing ,haha. hope you are feeling good, you look great! cant wait to see what you are doing with his nursery!
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