Monday, October 26, 2009

A Weekend Recap.

Hi, Happy Monday. I wanted to share a few photos from our weekend. We had the most delightful weather and tried to spend the majority of our days outside. Luckily FSU did not play so Tony's typical Saturday was freed up! We hopped in the car with 4 of our friends and went to St. Marks for the Stone Crab Festival.
This was my first stone crab experience and while it was delicious, I find it funny you have to do all the work. It's like the Melting Pot, you pay for the experience but do most of the work. Anyways, I learned to #1. Come early because they run out of food and #2. Do not wear cute clothes because you will get splattered with claw membrane.

My favorite was the roasted corn with garlic butter. I would say I'll have to wait until next year to get another ear, but like I told my friend Jovanna, "I'm glad we went but once was enough".
I hope you also had a great weekend...I have my count down going for our Talloween {Tallahassee+Halloween} weekend in 4 days. We will host a house full of friends and dogs and I cannot wait to be with the best friends again.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ashy, you may need to go again next year because there is nothing i love more than roasted corn.