Wednesday, April 22, 2009


What did you do with your Tuesday night? Did you watch American Idol and Dancing with the Stars? Perhaps you made a nice dinner and read a book. Not us.

No no, we demolished our kitchen. And what a welcomed, glorious mess! Even though our house is layered with dust, I have to pinch myself to believe this is happening.

Surprisingly, it only took one hour to demolish and one hour to clean up. That saved us $500.00 and as my dad says, "A penny saved is a penny earned." (That mentality is the same format I use to tell Tony about the wonderful sale purchases I make. The jeans were $78.00, but I got them for $9.00- we basically made $69)


The Husband said...

That last picture reminds me. I think i left the coffee creamer out.

Terri said...

I love reading your blog and seeing the process of your house. You really have a talent for design and decorating!

Teri Andrea said...

shutup! that's so great :) i can't wait to see your creativity come alive!

and... i really like smashing things. so if you need any more help, you have my number. ;)

Tiffany said...

Ash you are the cutest! I love checking in on your blog, it makes me feel like I am there demolishing with you...well maybe I would provide the refreshments for you guys =) I love you and miss you deary!

Tiffany said...

ha ha I see the coffee creamer! Love it

Lane Gunter said...

I can't wait to see the progress! How fun!! Your house is adorable.

Amy said...

So excited about the kitchen, i hope all the measurements got figured out today. I love that you dreamed about the cabinets:)